Box office now open for David Butt Philip Gala evening

It’s going to be one of the highlights of SPO’s year – a fundraising gala concert hosted, and starring, international tenor David Butt Philip. David will be joined by three other international stars – wonderful voices certain to be gracing the stages of top opera houses all over the world for some years to come.

They are Lauren Fagan (soprano), Stephanie Wake-Edwards (mezzo-soprano) and David Shipley (bass). All four artists are alumni of the Royal Opera’s prestigious Jette Parker Young Artist Programme.

Our stars will be accompanied by St Paul’s Opera musical director, Panaretos Kyriatzidis.

The date for your diary is Thursday March 24 and the venue is, as usual, our home at St Paul’s Church in Clapham Old Town. Tickets are £30 each.

So join us for a thrilling evening with the rising stars of the opera world and help to build an exciting future for SPO, raising funds so we can prepare and develop our ambitious plans.

All proceeds will go towards the development of St Paul’s Opera, helping us to create programmes for vocalists’ bursaries, commissioning new music and outreach opportunities with local schools.


David Butt Philip Gala: thoughts from the audience


Tricia Ninian is Clapham Society's Monday night guest speaker (and singer)