Tricia Ninian Tricia Ninian

Did you see this review?

If you follow us on social media you might have seen this very positive review of Albert Herring from Planet Hugill - a favourite website for many productions of an operatic nature.

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Tricia Ninian Tricia Ninian

Fond memories of Albert Herring

From our sell out performances of Albert Herring, please take a little time to enjoy the photographs of both main and cover casts. This team of highly talented musicians have been feeling the post-production blues and these photos have been a marvellous link to the great time we all had putting together our own Albert Herring.

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Tricia Ninian Tricia Ninian

Box office opens for Albert Herring - Update

Summer is nearly here and rehearsals for our 2022 Opera Festival are in full swing. We are staging three performances of Benjamin Britten’s Albert Herring from 7-9 July at our home, St Paul’s Church, Rectory Grove, Clapham.

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Tricia Ninian Tricia Ninian

Albert Herring cast announced

With our summer opera festival just a matter of days away, both Albert Herring casts are fine tuning their performances ready to guarantee you an evening full of fun and great music. You can find the two casts – our main cast and their covers – here.

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Tricia Ninian Tricia Ninian

What's it all about, Albert?

Introducing Albert Herring – a comic tale of small town life, where the attitudes and relationships of the local dignitaries, both obvious and concealed, lead the hapless Albert Herring to his unwanted prominent role of May King in the community.

We are most fortunate to have within our own community of Clapham Old Town one of the leading authorities on the works of Benjamin Britten – Christopher Wintle, emeritus member of the Music Department of King’s College London, author of What Opera Means, and editor of Hans Keller’s Britten Essays, Letters and Opera Guides.

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Tricia Ninian Tricia Ninian

Box office opens for Albert Herring

Summer is nearly here and rehearsals for our 2022 Opera Festival are in full swing. We are staging three performances of Benjamin Britten’s Albert Herring from 7-9 July at our home, St Paul’s Church, Rectory Grove, Clapham.

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