A challenging January for Tricia...

January. Eugh!

That’s enough wallowing in self-pity for an entire year.  Instead, I’m hitting the ground running (no Truss-like slip ups for me). Or to be more accurate, I’m hitting the ground planking and squatting. Ok yes, I admit it, I did slightly overindulge at Christmas.

My plan is to complete a dual ‘Plank/Squat Challenge’ for January and, at the same time, raise funds for a cause somewhat branded on my heart – St Paul’s Opera.

Right: first, the challenge.

The Plank: I’ve started at 30 seconds and the aim is to get to five minutes a day by the end of the month. Wish me luck.

The Squats: I’m doing 100 squats a day. That’s the time it takes to brew a good cup of Earl Grey. It’s also certainly enough time to raise a bit of a puff in the lungs. And I’ll do the math for you, by the end of January I’ll have completed 3,100, or maybe even a few more, if I get overcome with enthusiasm.

Can I now tell you about the cause?

This summer, St Paul’s Opera is staging the hugely popular opera, Bizet’s Carmen.  As part of this production (and as with the last two summer productions), a schools outreach programme is planned with local Clapham primary schools, taking the music and the story of the opera to the kids with the help of members of the cast, bringing to life the very catchy melodies (so many in Carmen) and the colourful characters of the plot.  Each school’s workshop package (2 per school) costs £400, and we are planning to work with up to four schools, so I’m asking for sponsorship for my ‘Plank/Squat Challenge’ to help reach a goal for at least one of the schools.

How can you sponsor? A lump sum is fine for the total reached by the end of the month. But maybe a bonus sum if I’m fit enough and mad enough to surpass the aims of the challenge.  Many, many thanks.

You can donate through the link below or by paying direct into the SPO bank account (thereby avoiding platform fees which means SPO receives all your donation).  The bank details are as follows:

Account name: St Paul’s Opera

Sort code: 16-57-10

Account: 90200172

Ref: Plank/Squat


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