Backing for SPO's Carmen

For the second year running we are hugely grateful for the continued support from Emma’s Estate Agents and The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust.

 In sponsoring the St Paul’s Opera Summer Festival this year with Carmen, Emma’s property boards will be placed around the Clapham area in the lead up to the opera giving vital promotion for the event complete with booking details.

Imogen Bahl and Emma Gattenio, directors at Emma’s Estate Agents, are enthusiastic sponsors. “We had such a positive experience with our first foray into supporting St Paul’s Opera last year, we’re therefore so excited to have been given another opportunity to support such a creative endeavour within the arts and culture community of Clapham.”

The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust has pledged to fund the planned Schools Outreach Programme as part of the preparations for SPO’s summer production of Bizet’s Carmen.

Alison Garnham, Chair of The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust, says: “We are all very excited about this project, where there is a particularly urgent need in state primary schools for the inclusion of music in the learning experience. Carmen is an iconic opera and a great introduction to opera, with such a richness of truly memorable arias, ensembles and choruses. This will no doubt be a big hit with the children.”


Carmen family friendly matinée


Box office opens for Carmen