Carmen family friendly matinée
As part of our schools outreach programme we are staging a special family friendly matinée performance of Carmen, complete with the Children’s Chorus performed by some of the children who have been learning about opera this week. The show is on Saturday, 1 July at 2.00pm.
Backing for SPO's Carmen
For the second year running we are hugely grateful for the continued support from Emma’s Estate Agents and The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust.
In sponsoring the St Paul’s Opera Summer Festival this year with Carmen, Emma’s property boards will be placed around the Clapham area in the lead up to the opera giving vital promotion for the event complete with booking details.
Box office opens for Carmen
The SPO summer opera festival is less than two months away and tickets have now gone on sale.
The opera festival will be staged over three nights at the end of June and the start of July (Thursday and Friday 29th and 30th June, and Saturday 1st July). Performances start at 7.30pm each evening giving our loyal audience the perfect opportunity to host a picnic with friends in the beautiful grounds of St Paul’s Church in Rectory Grove, Clapham.
Funding announced for Carmen from the Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust
For the second year, St Paul’s Opera (SPO) is proud to announce a most generous award from The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust to fund its planned Schools Outreach Programme as part of the preparations for SPO’s summer production of Bizet’s Carmen.
In making this award, the Trust has recognised how SPO’s Outreach Programme fits with its aim to advance public education in music.
Carmen auditions open
The call is out for singers for SPO’s 2023 summer festival – Carmen. Auditions will be held at the end of this month (January). See all the details below.
‘Dream Team’ announced to direct CARMEN
2022 is almost done for St Paul’s Opera (SPO) but we have one more hugely important job to complete and that is to tell you what’s happening next year.
Our 2023 summer production will be Bizet’s Carmen.
We know this is going to be a big hit with both our audience and, most importantly, the immensely talented singers who will want to be a part of this. Audition details will be announced early in the New Year.