Funding announced for Carmen from the Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust

For the second year, St Paul’s Opera (SPO) is proud to announce a most generous award from The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust to fund its planned Schools Outreach Programme as part of the preparations for SPO’s summer production of Bizet’s Carmen.

In making this award, the Trust has recognised how SPO’s Outreach Programme fits with its aim to advance public education in music.

Commenting on the award, Alison Garnham, Chair of The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust, says: “We are all very excited about this project, which fits in so well with this specific charitable object, where there is a particularly urgent need in state primary schools. SPO is to be congratulated for taking this project on and pursuing it, along with all the other fantastic work undertaken by the company.

Carmen is an iconic opera and a great introduction to opera, with such a richness of truly memorable arias, ensembles and choruses. This will no doubt be a big hit with the children,” she adds.

Patricia Ninian, founder and artistic director at SPO, comments: “We are thrilled that this relationship is continuing for a second year. We have thoroughly enjoyed forging a strong relationship with The Cosman Keller Art & Music Trust, and we take much encouragement from this significant support.”

Patricia concludes: “This endorsement from the Trust will ensure that the whole cast will have the benefit and reward of taking this passion of opera to school children, playing a significant part in ensuring that our beloved art form has a future with the next generation. From my own experience, discovering the thrill of Carmen at the age of seven set me on the path which has ultimately led to the founding of SPO.”

Carmen will be performed at St Paul’s Church, Rectory Grove, Clapham SW4 0DZ from June 29th to July 1st, 2023, including a family matinée performance on July 1st. Stage and musical directors are Eleanor Burke and John Paul Jennings respectively. Auditions have taken place and the cast will be announced shortly.


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